Monday, February 09, 2009

Manly Monday

These are Vickie's rendition of the Lacunae Mitts by Anne Hanson, which she knit for her husband.

Vickie's thoughts mirrored my own when it comes to most fingerless mitts. "The mitts don’t look special off the hand, but on the hand the pattern comes to life"

The yarn is FF Superwash Merino Wool Sportweight in the Deepest Forest colorway.

I just love these and I'm sure Vickie's husband must as well. Who wouldn't?! You can see more of Vickie's lovely work on Ravelry where she is VickieK.

A big Thank You to Vickie for sharing her work and a great Monday to all!


~Tonia~ said...

Great mitts and they are perfect for a man.

knitspot anne said...

wow, those are awesome!